Néveri in english
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Get to know each other outside of the game within this forum. Any topic is allowed. - 2 Emner
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Re: Introduce yourself
af Rahsna Vis det seneste indlæg
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The english site of Néveri
Link for Néveri's site, where you'll find everything written about Néveri. First and foremost lore.
If you have a particular need or question concerning the lore, please ask the GMs by sending one of them a PM or e-mailing us at kontakt@neveri.dk. - Viderestillinger i alt: 16802
The language of the drows
For all of those wishing to use Néveri's official drow language. Eilistraee’s Drow Translator is a simple translator that translates from ENGLISH to DROW and vice versa.
It's not required to use this language as a dark elf, so if you do not want to, simply write English when playing dark elf. - Viderestillinger i alt: 18491
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