Introduce yourself

Get to know each other outside of the game within this forum. Any topic is allowed.
Indlæg: 2495
Registered for: 18 years 9 months
Geografisk sted: Fyn, Danmark

Introduce yourself

Ulæst indlæg af Rahsna »


I'm Rahsna, one of the GMs of Néveri.

I help run this board and I create and participate in the RPs around here.
I am also a content writer for Néveri and server administrator. - I'm the technical social guy ;)

I've been into RP ever since I was 13, and i started LARPing when I was 17.
My two favourite races in Néveri are the alurian and the malenkais.
My two favourite places in Néveri are the blizzardious kingdom of Correntain, and the deep forest and misty jungle of Karstaag.

I work on the Néveri site and writes facebook updates for Néveri. I also created The soulcircle, our character writing tool.
Calendon Commoner
Indlæg: 297
Registered for: 14 years 6 months
Geografisk sted: the netherlands

Re: Introduce yourself

Ulæst indlæg af ikke »

Hi I'm ikke ...... a dutchy .... dragged here by curiousity... I don't have much experience at RP .... or LARPing...... but i guess its never to late to start and to learn.......
well spending my summerholiday at Bornholm for sure gave me inspiration ^_^ i loved the woods
Indlæg: 2495
Registered for: 18 years 9 months
Geografisk sted: Fyn, Danmark

Re: Introduce yourself

Ulæst indlæg af Rahsna »

You are right miss Ikke. It is not. Just open your mind and you will see all possebilities. I take great pride in this world. If you will join or just read along, I will be honered.
Indlæg: 6
Registered for: 12 years 4 months
Geografisk sted: The Netherlands

Re: Introduce yourself

Ulæst indlæg af Lughir »

Brahrl Pas,

I am Lughir, a dutch gentle-wulf. During the day I work in the digital publishing business, and I've been writing roleplays ever since I read a book, which is now about 10 years ago.

I can play virtually any role, male and female, but obviously, it's easier to roleplay a male for me ;)

I am looking forward to spending a lot of time here.


Karadur karan ze sapac, nyr ma chaz aon.
Dread Warlock skrev:I don't know who to pity more: those who flee from my presence or the damned who can withstand it
Indlæg: 2495
Registered for: 18 years 9 months
Geografisk sted: Fyn, Danmark

Re: Introduce yourself

Ulæst indlæg af Rahsna »

I welcome you, great scholar of the shadow writings. May your knowledge reach far and wide, and inspire us all.
I already enjoy reading the RP you participate in, and I look forward to having more time for my duty here in Néveri.

Until such a time, I wish you and our other members a most pleasant and adventurous stay.
Med fantasifulde hilsner
~ Rahsna