Rahsna's tips to RP

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Rahsna's tips to RP

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Plan your party
The more players you are, the harder it is to create a kind of balanced understanding of the RP-space and where you want the story to go.

Just go with it!
Sometimes you have a different idea of how you want the story to develop, but if all players want their own thing, the RP will get nowhere.
Instead, just go with the idea the other player throws into the fold. Take it as a challenge. A new way to experiment!
And who knows, maybe you will even love how the story turned out in the end and how it developed all of your characters ^_^

Stay true to yourself
Don't create a character that is too far from yourself. Create characters that push your boundaries, but don't break your boundaries =)
Sometimes you will experience things in an RP that will challenge you as a person. Take a moment to feel if you are okay with this and if not, tell the other person offgame. Then you can both decide on another course and no one gets hurt :)

Know your own limits
RP must always be fun. If it starts to feel like a duty, stop.
Take a break, do something else for a while and then, try again.

Take your time
RP can take several days, maybe even months, or years, or they might never end entirely.

RP is usually a writing-job
Get inspired from books. Not the content, but the way it is written. Analyse it.
If you find something specific that you thought was written in an impressive manner, save it to memory ;)

Movies are also good for inspiration
They give visual ideas, not just story. I always have references from movies running through my head as I RP. So, basically the more inspiration you have, the more you are capable of doing :3 and it IS awesome to come home from a movie thinking "I want to try that as well" and you can just go right home and DO that ;D

But... Eventually you'll lose that inspiration
As with with anything else, you'll get tired of RP'ing at some point or maybe you keep struggling with something and you just cannot get it the way you want it.
When that happens, you need to get up and do something else. If you RP with someone, be polite and tell them you are taking your character out of the RP.
Then let go. Just do something else and forget you have RPs you need to do.
Then, when your mind is teeming with ideas and the thought of RP'ing excites you; That's the time to return to it.
Everything ebbs and flows. RP is no different.
Med fantasifulde hilsner
~ Rahsna
Calendon Commoner
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Re: Ulven's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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And still to get started is the hardest thing to do .......
Calendon Commoner
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Geografisk sted: the netherlands

Re: Rahsna's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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to start .....how to start..... -leans her head in both hands staring at the table- .... where do i start .....
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Re: Rahsna's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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Greetings Ikke! Basicly you would start by deciding what kind of story you want to tell, and then pick a fitting character to tell it, then you just start writing and others can join in, if you will let them. Usually letting others write the RP with you is the most fun way to go, as you will NEVER know where the Rp will end, compared to if you had done it alone.
Calendon Commoner
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Re: Rahsna's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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well mostly i dont even know the story i want to tell :P i start and see where it goes and this way you really need help from other players cause the story might go anyway you dont expect it to go ^_^
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Re: Rahsna's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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Yes, I have that issue as well. When I just want to join a story, without knowing what to add to the story, I just pick a neutral character and hope the other players will help me inspire which direction I want the story to go.
The real fun comes when you want the story to go two different directions ;)
Calendon Commoner
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Re: Rahsna's RP'ing tips / ramblings

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well indeed it is a lot of fun when you have to wait for someone to reply not knowing what is comin up and then adapt your own story to that or stick with your own ideas and see where it will lead too ^_^

and i'm sure that the more people that get involved the more surprising it will be :wink: